July…a month to celebrate our nation’s independence, and gather with friends and family. A time to remember. Remembering all that our founding fathers fought and stood for! A time to appreciate all those who continue to fight for our freedoms and opportunities, defending our God-given “inalienable rights” and our Constitution.
A time to focus on the blessings we have received, in so many ways.
When there are conflicts and division (as there are in so many places), it is a time to choose how we will respond to all those questions and conflicts. A time to decide how we will respond in times of turmoil.
Our founding fathers in America had a great calling and commitment to give their all, for the sake of their freedom to govern themselves and worship as they chose.
The freedom to not be enslaved to the tyranny of a monarch from another country.
But, even MORE importantly, now is the time to determine whether we are still ‘enslaved’ to the tyranny of sin and a sin nature. Far greater than the sacrifice of those who fought and died for our nation’s independence, and for later conflicts for freedom from slavery and inequality, is the sacrifice made by our Lord Jesus Christ.
One day, we all will account for the choices we have made, and stand before our Maker. But, it is not a balance of how many “right” decisions vs. how many “wrong” decisions and actions we have done. Even our ‘best’ decisions and actions will be
as ‘filthy rags’(Isaiah 64:6) before a holy and just God.
But God…. Yes, GOD, in His incredible grace and love, made a way. His Son, our Lord Jesus, made the ultimate sacrifice which ‘buys’ our freedom. As we receive Him and His forgiveness for our sins, we are freed from the tyranny of sin, and its ultimate consequences (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23).
That is certainly something to celebrate every day! May we all daily pray for our country and its leaders!
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD…!
(Ps. 33:12a)