When first thinking about this entry, and the topic of grief and subsequently God’s comfort, so many thoughts and feelings came to mind.
I’ve heard it said (and experienced) by many, that often feelings of grief can strongly be felt in the 2nd or 3rd year after the initial loss. It isn’t a “once and done” experience of going through some stage of the grief, and “moving on”, as if you won’t need to experience it again. It is more of a circular (rather than linear) concept. At first the circle is small, and as you live in your circle of life, you “hit” the spot of pain frequently. Over time, healing, and healthy sources of comfort, your “circle” is essentially bigger and you “hit” the pain spot less frequently. When seeking God’s comfort, He will use many ways to bring you healing and comfort: Himself/His presence, others’ love and understanding, music, pictures or nature, positive memories and associations to name a few.
Obviously, we all experience loss and grief; but over different reasons and situations, and in varying degrees. I know that “words” alone can be ineffective to really bring comfort. In my experience, I needed something that touched my heart more deeply. So, for those who are in a place of grief, having lost something very dear and important to you, I hope you click on this video link. Let the words, music, and scenes touch your heart. God IS hearing the cries of your heart! Let Him comfort you!
It is the song “For Those Tears I Died”, written by Marsha Stevens-Pino (around 1969), and now sung by her. I’ve copied the words to the song so you can also learn and pray them yourself, as that may be a blessing to you! Let God be your source of comfort!
“For Those Tears I Died”
You said You'd come and share all my sorrows,
You said You'd be there for all my tomorrows;
I came so close to sending You away,
But just like You promised You came there to stay;
I just had to pray!
And Jesus said, "Come to the water, stand by My side,
I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied;
I felt ev'ry teardrop when in darkness you cried,
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died."
Your goodness so great I can't understand,
And, dear Lord, I know that all this was planned;
I know You're here now, and always will be,
Your love loosed my chains and in You I'm free;
But Jesus, why me?
And Jesus said, "Come to the water, stand by My side,
I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied;
I felt ev'ry teardrop when in darkness you cried,
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died."
Jesus, I give You my heart and my soul,
I know that without God I'd never be whole;
Savior, You opened all the right doors,
And I thank You and praise You from earth's humble shores;
Take me, I'm Yours.
And Jesus said, "Come to the water, stand by My side,
I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied;
I felt ev'ry teardrop when in darkness you cried,
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died."