At this time of year, we often look back at the past year and are thankful for what it brought, or thankful that it is over and hopeful for a new year with better days ahead.
I am reminded of some great verses & promises, “Blessed is the one …whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-- whatever they do prospers.” (Psalms 1: 1a, 2-3 NIV)
Remember and Return
Often, in the Bible, God commanded His people to “remember” all He had done for them. We too, need to remember all God has done! By reading His Word, we learn of His nature, His faithfulness, His promises, and His sovereignty. “When God is in control, nothing is out of control.” (Chuck Swindol , Intimacy with the Almighty Word Pub, Dallas, TX 1996 p. 72)
The year of 2021 was a year of several milestone events. Just a few of the historical ones for our country: 400 years since the first “Thanksgiving” with the pilgrims and the Native Americans who helped them (November 1621); 80 years since “Pearl Harbor Day”-- a “Day that lives in infamy”, when the US was attacked by Japan on Dec. 7, 1941; and finally, 20 years since “9/11”. That horrific day on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 when terrorists crashed planes into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and another flight headed for Washington DC, but brought down by brave heroes, crashed in a Pennsylvania field. Thousands of lives were lost that day, and many more thousands injured or suffered symptoms from the events.
We learn from events in the past, or at least need to learn, to prevent the otherwise inevitable truth that “history repeats itself”. Here, in America though (and probably in many other places), there are also the stories of compassion, and heroism that happen, because of people’s desire to help others. The “Tunnel to Towers” Foundation is one example, and many, many others!! As we seek to know and obey God’s Word, and follow His will for our lives, He can direct us to do what is right and good, to follow in the steps of Jesus, His Son!
After Jesus had delivered a man possessed by demons, the man wanted to stay with Jesus, but Jesus said, “Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” (Luke 8:39 ESV). When, in the book of Revelation the Lord tells the Church in Ephesus, that “this I have against you, that you have lost your first love… (Rev. 2:5a), the answer or solution is to “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; and repent and do the deeds you did at first.” (Rev. 2:5b) Whatever circumstance has caused you to be more distant from God, or kept you from following Him, this is the first step: to Remember and to Return to the God who loves you, and forgives sin, and desires to lead you back to Himself!
This will be the first of a series of “Reflections on a New Year’s Resolution”. There are many other aspects to reflect on, God’s Word to meditate on, promises and truths to focus on, as we look to “what will be!” May we all “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness..” in this New Year!
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Dear Lord, We thank you and praise You for Your faithfulness to us, in the years past! We pause to remember all You have done, and even in the difficult times, Your promise to “never leave us or forsake us”! We desire to return to You, when we seem to forget or tend to “lose our first love” for You. Help us to remain faithful always, by Your grace, and for Your glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen!