In this time when the whole world seems to be in a state of uncertainty and concern; apprehension of “what might happen” to us or to those we love, we desperately need to be reminded of a truth that remains constant! That truth is the story of “Holy Week”, the events that may have happened over 2000 years ago, but are still relevant today.
Holy Week starts with “Palm Sunday”, a day celebrated as the day Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. People had known Him to be a healer, miracle worker, and now expected Him to show Himself to be the long awaited Messiah. One who would overthrow an oppressive regime, and bring all the earthly victory and freedom the Jewish people had so longed for.
As we know, the week did not turn out as the people expected. But, all came to pass as was truly predicted and prophesied; just not what the people had wanted.
I want to repost the “Holy Week” entries, I wrote a few years ago. The story remains the same, and so go to each entry, to walk through this “Holy Week”; humbly remembering God’s bigger plan in it all: to redeem the world through the death of His beloved Son.
“The Promise Proclaimed!” Saturday, March 19, 2016
“Holy Week: As It Was Foretold: Passions Unfold! Monday, March 21, 2016
“It Is Finished!” Friday, March 25, 2016
“Saturday’s Silence” Saturday, March 26, 2016
“He Is Risen!” Sunday, March 27, 2016
We thank you, our dear Lord, for paying the “price” for us! May we now go forth in YOUR resurrection power and grace, as Your witnesses to the world -- that You are alive! You have conquered the power and grip of sin and death! We love You and praise You!